Thursday, May 20, 2021

Life in 2050 essay

Life in 2050 essay

life in 2050 essay

 · Year Life in Within the next 40 years, most people believe, the world will get the bulk of its energy from sources other than oil. Computers will converse like people.  · In , our life will be a lot different from nowadays in many aspects. The environment, transportation, education and people’s lifestyles will also change to a new level. There are some reasons to be optimistic about life then. Along with development of scientific advances, people will have more means of blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Life in Essay Sample We are on the threshold of a new era. Our planet’s climate is at risk. The century of oil is coming to an end, and the world’s energy supply must be put on a new and sustainable blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

What life will be in Free Essay Example

In the last fifty years the world has undergone a great deal of transformation. There has been incredible progress in almost all spheres of life. The vistas of knowledge and advancement have life in 2050 essay beyond human imagination. What life in 2050 essay been witnessed in the past five decades stands testimony to the fact that however wild imagination may be, it only takes a little time to come true.

From what were merely stories of yesterday, which go popularly under the name of science fiction or sci-fi, the musings have become reality today. And what does one know; one day the sci-fi movies that are made today may no longer appeal, as they would already become reality. With technology reinventing itself every few weeks, it is quite likely that in another five decades the world is going to be a changed place.

Life is actually going to be very cushy, as the physical movement to accomplish task would have minimized. The quality of life would have improved tremendously, as all the objects of material comforts are at hand. Automation is expected to banish the word drudgery for all times to come.

Man is scaling the ladder of scientific progress by leaps and bounds. With the enhanced understanding of the human body we are likely to lead healthier lives. Cures for diseases life in 2050 essay not be as life in 2050 essay or unaffordable as they are now.

In all probability, robots and computer controlled machines would be programmed to perform risky operations and procedures with amazing precision and accuracy. There will be life in 2050 essay screens with different locations. Everyone will have their cell phone stuck to their front tooth at all times so they can talk to anyone anywhere, anytime, and its waterproof, of course, so even in the shower or while swimming in the pool.

CARs will fly, so one can better have smashed-shingles insurances on his house. Contact lenses could give us the dreams we want with visual scenes through our eyes to our brain. Google, life in 2050 essay, the popular search engine, will have the ability to search for intelligent life on other solar systems and give us humans here data on alien information collected.

Everyone will have to pay to see real trees and virtual animals at the Eco-museum since all wildlife will have gone extinct with our pollution—all real trees will have been replaced by artificial trees of exact trimming and that provide ample amounts of shade. All trash bags will be scented—this reduces that strange garbage smell you always get no matter what is in it.

A project would be launched decided to send all of our garbage into space; instead of recycling. The scientists would have invented a new way of seeding clouds to force rain. So, this new process of seeding the clouds began.

We had a massive hole in the ozone layer greenhouse effect. This hole was the result of the large amounts of Methane produced in the new cloud seeding method. On the other hand in the yearthe global warming effects on the climate will become complex. The rain, the stormy and the sunlight will increase day by day. On the other hand, people will easily get different kinds of disease.

The global warming will affect the nations of the world. The forests will disappear because the water will get polluted, life in 2050 essay. The animals will disappear because they lost their home the forest and their food and water. The global warming will affect human life. In the future, life in 2050 essay, the weather change every day, life in 2050 essay. Sometimes, when you go outside on the street then the rain will come fast and then stop faster.

Sometime, when you watch TV, and then see that outside it is raining; soon you turn your head to see the weather then its sunshine.

Ineverybody will not know the weather is good or not on that day. The global warming will make the forests disappear. In the future, the water will be polluted. We all know that plants need water. The result is all plants death. The forest will disappear. The world will look like a desert. The reason is the global warming affects the air polluted. Every one needed to wear sunglasses because the sun is too shiny and bright. Also everyone must bring clear water to go to the street.

The reason is the sun is too shiny and that makes the body easily lose water. We all know that water is so important to the human body. We can survive without eating for three weeks. Now, in the year the temperature of our planet is going up. This is helping to melt the polar ice caps and the glaciers and because of that now the sea levels are higher by inches worldwide.

As a result, we have to face very dangerous floods, which destroy our plants, crops, life in 2050 essay, trees, and even our houses. The climate of our planet is getting worse and worse each day. The global warming greenhouse effect has increased the temperature and decreased the life conditions. Life in 2050 essay flooding has destroyed many cities, islands, plants, and trees. High temperature has caused the death of animals, birds, insects, and people.

Also the main bases of food are crushed. In conclusion, it seems technology is coming too fast toward us, life in 2050 essay. We need to slow down and take the time to consider whether it is good or harmful for the earth and us. All the bad consequences we have are really a good lesson for us. We really have to think about how we can save our planet from the greenhouse effect and go back to normal.

The worst consequences of greenhouse effect could lead to human destruction, food destruction, and also to the animal destruction. We really have to take this problem very seriously. I know it is very hard today to take things back from the people that they are used to, but still we have to decrease our technology. Although decreasing technology might make our economy go down, what are we going to do with the money and technology if we do not have our home?

We must start conserving energy and protecting the environment. The Year Accessed May 19, The Year Categories: Climate Change Earth Environment Environmental Issues Food Future Nature Science Our Future Water. Download paper.

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The World in 2050

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life in 2050 essay

If you are in a time crunch, then you need a custom written term paper on your subject (life in ) Here you can hire an independent writer/researcher to custom write you an authentic essay to your specifications that will pass any plagiarism test (e.g. Turnitin). Waste no more time! Life in the future is set to be very exciting Life in Essay Sample We are on the threshold of a new era. Our planet’s climate is at risk. The century of oil is coming to an end, and the world’s energy supply must be put on a new and sustainable blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins  · The global warming will make the forests disappear. In the future, the water will be polluted. We all know that plants need water. Many plants can’t grow well. The result is all plants death. The forest will disappear. The world will look like a desert. In the year , we can’t breathe the fresh air on the street

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