May 11, · IELTS Essay Topic: Some say you should always marry for love; others say that in an uncertain world it is wiser to marry for money. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant Collection of the recent IELTS Writing Questions (May & June ) with answers for Task 2. Prepare for IELS exam by answering the questions Jan 21, · An opinion essay is an essay in which you have to explain the topic based on the opinion that you have regarding that topic. They are also called Agree/disagree essays or argumentative blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins
IELTS Essay Topics with Model Answers
Well, ilets essay is certainly possible. In fact, not only have I scored a band 9 in writing myself, I have also helped several of my students score band 9 in writing too. If you want to learn the art and science behind scoring an IELTS writing Band 9 or if you just want to improve your score by a few bandsread on.
Every day we receive 's of IELTS essays for correction from our students, ilets essay. Our experienced IELTS tutors go over every single word of ilets essay essay and mark them based on the criteria specified in the IELTS Band Score Descriptors. Since a lot of IELTS students struggle in the writing section, we thought we would list out the IELTS Band 9 essay samples that we have seen from our IELTS Twenty20 Course students so far. An important thing to note is that the students who wrote these essays went through several feedback rounds with other essay topics where they perfected the art of writing a good IELTS Task 2 essay.
So don't get intimidated if you think you cannot write such essays. Ilets essay struggles with it and it takes time to improve, ilets essay. But, before we look at the Ilets essay Band 9 essay samples, ilets essay, let's first understand how to write the perfect IELTS essay, ilets essay.
In IELTS Writing Task 2, you are given brief details ilets essay an opinion, an argument or a problem, and have to produce an extended piece of discursive writing an essay in response. Let's look at a step by step process on how to write a great writing task 2 essay every time no matter what the topic, ilets essay. Submit Task For Review.
When IELTS examiners mark your essays ilets essay refer to the IELTS writing band descriptors. Here's what the band descriptors mean in plain English. Even if you do all of the above there is still a chance that you may not be able to score above Band 7. Cohesion - refers to words and phrases that help link ideas together, ilets essay. For example:. Conciseness - Long sentences do not mean more marks, ilets essay.
Run-on sentences will often cause you to lose marks in this area. There are three sentence structures you ilets essay be using:. Coherence - How easy is your essay to understand? In order to improve your coherence, proper grammar is a must.
You are not there while the essay is being marked, so your ideas need to be clear and easy to understand. Using the cohesive phrases mentioned earlier, ilets essay, can improve the coherence of your essay. Composition - The structure of your essay introduction paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. A good introduction includes a little background on the topic, a thesis statement, and a preview of the main points of your essay.
Each body paragraph should include a topic sentence illustrating your point, an example of your point and how it ties into your topic sentence, as well as a concluding sentence that ties this point into your thesis, ilets essay.
Conclusions should reiterate your two or three main ideas from your body paragraphs an restate your thesis again using different words than before. To end your conclusion, you should give a prediction or recommendation on the essay topic. Note: Remember a proper paragraph has at least sentences, ilets essay.
Each paragraph should revolve around a main idea, and when you start a new idea, you should start a new paragraph. This tutorial will teach you the key steps to identify the main topic and all parts of the IELTS Writing Task 2 question.
Once you have identified the topic and question parts for your writing task, the next step is to brainstorm ideas that should become part of your essay. In order to get a good band score it is not enough to just create a list of ideas - you need to extend and explain each of those ideas in detail. Lets look at our example from before:. This tutorial will teach you how to brainstorm and extend your ideas for IELTS Writing Ilets essay 2 question. Here's a check list for Writing Task 2.
Practice makes perfect. Write as many practice essays as you can, and have them marked by an English teacher for mistakes. Topics for IELTS writing task 2 are usually related to some issue or problem that is currently affecting society and you need to discuss it. In recent IELTS exams, topics have mostly dealt with:. Q: Will I lose marks if I write too many words in my essay? A: There is no penalty for writing more than words for writing task 2.
However, there are also no extra marks for writing more, ilets essay. In fact, the more you write, the more you may end up making spelling or grammar mistakes. It is much better to write around words within 35 minutes and spend the last 5 minutes reviewing your work for mistakes. A: In IELTS, handwriting does not affect your scores directly.
The scoring rubric does not have any points for handwriting. However, ilets essay, it affects your score indirectly. e if your handwriting is illegible, the examiner will think that you have misspelled a word and will mark you lower on lexical resources. The examiner will not give you the benefit of doubt if she is not sure about the words you have written.
Moreover, handwriting also affects the overall impression on the examiner. Remember that IELTS examiners are humans and like all humans they form their first impressions looking at your handwriting. The clearer your work, the better first impression you will make on the examiner. IELTS Writing Sample Essay 1 -Fresh water demand causes and measures.
IELTS Writing Sample Essay 2 - Forests are the lungs of the earth. IELTS Writing Sample Essay 3 - Job and money. IELTS Writing Sample Essay 4 - Aim of University Education.
IELTS Writing Sample Essay 5 - International Tourism. IELTS Writing Sample Essay 6 - Image is a more powerful way of Communicating. IELTS Writing Sample Essay 7 ilets essay Work or travel ilets essay finishing high school and starting university. Study 20 minutes a day for 20 days and Ace the IELTS exam.
Start Learning NOW Note: We have recently added more IELTS Band 7, ilets essay, 8 and 9 model answers for speaking and writing tasks. Check them out. Take our 5-minute IELTS level check and receive a ilets essay report highlighting the areas where you need to improve the most to achieve your target IELTS score. IELTS Online Practice is provided by Wisekangaroo Pty Ltd ABN: 86 Toggle navigation.
Is ilets essay even possible to write a Band 9 essay in IELTS? How to write an IELTS Band 9 essay? You need to write at least words and should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Identify the main topic of the essay If you incorrectly identify the main idea then you CANNOT score above Band 4.
If you present a ilets essay idea that is not ilets essay developed and supported by examples then you CANNOT score above Band 6. Identify all parts of the task If you address only some parts of the task and not others then you CANNOT score above Band 5.
Even if you identify all parts of the task correctly but fail to cover each of them fully you WILL NOT be able to score above Band 6. Conclusion If you do not write a conclusion at the end you CANNOT score above Band 5. If your conclusion is unclear or repetitive then you CANNOT score above Band 6. Did you think that was all nope there's more The 4 C's of Essay Writing Cohesion - refers to words and phrases that help ilets essay ideas together, ilets essay.
For example: Because of this It is clear that It can be seen There are three sentence structures you should be using: Simple sentence - Contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. For Example - The teacher returned the homework. Complex sentences ilets essay Has an independent clause simple sentence joined by one or more dependent clauses cannot stand alone as a sentence For Example - The teacher ilets essay the homework after she noticed the error.
Compound sentences - Two simple sentences joined by a coordinator ex. for, ilets essay, and, or, yet, so. For Example - The teacher returned the homework so everyone got to go home early.
Follow the 3 steps mentioned in the video and you will never go wrong. Lets look at our example from before: This tutorial will teach you how to brainstorm and extend your ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2 question.
Tips for writing an IELTS band 9 essay Here's a check list for Writing Task 2. Identify all the ilets essay parts of the question. Brainstorm and organise your ideas to ensure that each of your ideas is fully explained and well supported with examples. Learn the structure of an essay: Introductionbody paragraphs, conclusion Do not copy the question word for word for your introduction or else those words will be deducted from your total word count.
Instead always paraphrase ilets essay question in your own words. Instead, rephrase your key points, and give a strong ending sentence that ties everything together. Always write in a formal tone and use it consistently throughout the essay.
How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question
, time: 14:39Essay Samples – IELTS blogger.com

Jan 22, · A well-organized essay will help in scoring a desirable band in the writing test. A lot of the candidates who take the writing test will need at least minutes to prepare for the essay once they get the topic. If you consider certain points while writing the essay, it’ll get a bit easier to get a high IELTS Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins May 11, · IELTS Essay Topic: Some say you should always marry for love; others say that in an uncertain world it is wiser to marry for money. Discuss both points of view and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant In IELTS Writing Task 2, you are given brief details of an opinion, an argument or a problem, and have to produce an extended piece of discursive writing (an essay) in response. You need to write at least words and should spend about 40 minutes on this blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
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