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Confucius essay

Confucius essay

confucius essay

Jan 25,  · Confucius' philosophy Essay Words | 11 Pages As Confucius' philosophy still remains in the heart of many Chinese people, his images of the greatest professional teacher of all time, the greatest philosopher in Chinese history and his influence toward the future and the past years of Chinese civilization has made his thought the essence of the Chinese culture.5/5(1) Feb 11,  · Confucius ( - BCE), was a thinker, political figure, educator and founder of the Ru School of Chinese thought. Confucius was born at Shang-ping, in read full [Essay Sample] for free Nov 30,  · Analects of Confucius revolves around the thoughts and teachings of Chinese philosopher Confucius and it is the foundation for Confucianism that is followed by millions of people in East Asia today. This important text was written around BC by the pupils of Confucius and a good part of it was written within a period of 30 to 50 years after his death

Confucius and His Philosophy - Words | Essay Example

Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was a Chinese philosopher who lived between B. and B. He founded the school of thought, Confucian, which made much revolutionaries in the political and social arena of the Chinese people.

Indeed, confucius essay, Confucius was a revolutionary leader who sought to liberate people from extremist Chinese leaders. Confucius was born in a humble background and remained unemployed for a long time. However, at one point in his life, Confucius joined the government as a tax collector, confucius essay.

The social conditions of the people living in abject poverty left him unsettled though working for the government. Contrary to the expectations of the Chinese people, this situation disenfranchised Confucius up to the point of leaving his government post.

He embarked in the mission of preaching ethics and good moral standards to the leaders confucius essay has chosen the exact opposite. He managed to hoard ample political power to create a new dynasty and agreed confucius essay work with the Zhou dynasty in the East, confucius essay.

Later on, the states rejected his teachings but he returned home and continued his teachings. Nevertheless, his confucius essay had spread near and far confucius essay disciples confucius essay as Mencius and Xun Zi who made sure Confucianism became a moral and political dogma- a revolution achieved diametrically Confucius and Leys It confucius essay true Confucius and hence, Confucianism was a conservative religion that served to strengthen established institutions and hoary social dissections.

So many scholars have agues on whether Confucius was a conservative or enterprising. For instance, confucius essay, in his teachings, Confucius called for a positive spirit in governance. Additionally, Confucius highlighted more on the significance of morality and instigated the convention of recognition about history. Eventually, these ingredients of conservatism led to the development of a universal cultural psychology foundation of the Han Nation. On the contrary, the ethical visions of Confucius appeared to conflict confucius essay legalistic mindset, confucius essay.

At one point, the imperial state employed Confucian values to maintain law and order. In fact, even in imperial families, the Confucian values became imperative where children had to respect parents, be trustworthy confucius essay the government and respect other society members. Professionals had to remain loyal to their work for instance, teachers had to remain teachers and confucius essay ethics in teaching.

Undoubtedly, Confucius exhibited conservatism and sought to maintain the status quo where institutions and social divisions remain, as they were Confucius and Leys Many people do not share the view that Confucius was democratic. It simply instructed people to obey, for instance, children had to obey their parents just like wives to their husbands. The students had to remain students and obey their teachers and the subjects had to comply with the emperors.

Clearly, the expression of self was limited and even if one had contrary views regarding something, the views of the superiors were final. Thus, confucius essay, the system advocated for obedience and not democracy.

In the modern society, Confucius has no place, confucius essay, as elitist social class has discovered how Confucius can deny people their human rights and fundamental freedoms Chuan It is true Confucius was as elitist who wrote much and attracted many scholars into his school of thought. Confucius essay some scholars criticize his confucius essay, Confucius came up with philosophies brought confucius essay and morality in the traditional China.

We can compare Confucius elastic nature with the left wind ideology of the founding fathers of United States as both advocated for ethics and justice to all human beings. The theories of Confucius remained resonate and sired new ideologies and enhanced social theorizing Confucius and Leys Confucius and Leys, Simon.

The Analects of Confucius. Paperback Edition. New York: W. Chuan, Yang. Religion in Chinese Society, Berkeley: University of California Press. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.

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Confucius Essay Advice

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Confucius Essays: Examples, Topics, Titles, & Outlines

confucius essay

Jan 25,  · Confucius' philosophy Essay Words | 11 Pages As Confucius' philosophy still remains in the heart of many Chinese people, his images of the greatest professional teacher of all time, the greatest philosopher in Chinese history and his influence toward the future and the past years of Chinese civilization has made his thought the essence of the Chinese culture.5/5(1) Confuciunism is a philosophy vased on the teachings of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher/teacher. Confucius highly stressed ethics. It is thought the reason for this is because the China of his time was corrupt. Confucius thought the way to live with good ethics was to follow the five virtues: Jen; to do good on others, yi; rightsiosness by justice, li; religious and Confucius Essay The Birthplace Of Confucius And Confucius. Yanzhou, Zoucheng, Weishan County, Yutai County, Jinxiang County, Jiaxiang Contribution Of Confucius. Confucius was born in BC and died in BC at age seventy-two. He was a great influence Confucius Essay. As Confucius'

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